Monday, May 29, 2006

sandgate antiques

Today we had a fabulous day out at sandgate, antique shopping and having a seafood basket for two by the beach. Sandgate is beautiful and we had a great day on the train and basking in the winter sun.
At the antique shop I got some more Japanese 50's fun, with a cat biscuit jar and mug and got 13 knitted coathangers for only $3.00. Stevie got a virgin mary vintage picture.


Suzie Q said...

Hey you lovely people :)

Just butting in here to say Hi - I've heard so much about you that I feel like I know you already, and now I've found your blog - hooray! :)

Scarlett, I can't believe the bargains you find and would be in my little element shopping with you! ;)

Stevie, darling, I love your Mum to bits (in spite of never having met her!) and you look so much like her, you must be equally as scrumptious a person! I'm coming over there to get tattooed by you some day! ;)

I SO wish you all the very very best with your house-hunting, and can see why you both fell in love with that one, but don't you fret - the one you are meant to have will be yours! Just enjoy your days and take your time - you have a wonderful life ahead of you and all that glorious weather to make us jealous - it's so very rainy over here lately :(

Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi, and let you know that I'll be reading your blog with interest.

Come on over to whenever you feel like it, it's practically dedicated to Judy anyway! She inspired me to start it and I hope it will become more interesting as I learn how to use it properly! ;)

Big Love to you both, and to the lovely Desa, of course :)

Take good care of yourselves,
Suzie Q xXx

dotty_scotts said...

Hello! Nice to meet you.
I have been having a peek at yr blog since you've become friends with Judy and its lovely.
We heard back from the mortgage brokers today and nothing negative has come up so far, only 2 days to go...ehh! No doubt we'll be breaking the news on here!
Take care and we'll blog/speak soon!
Scarlett xx

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!