Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Fishing days

Stevie and Wade went and got a boat today and went to Pine Rivers and Stevie caught 5 whittings and Wade got 7.
I am quite amazed at him liking fishing. I think he's becoming a local! He's already got the board shorts and now he only needs the thongs (flip flops)! Unlikely though!
Its getting quite coolish. Brisbane is great during winter, 20-23 degrees during the day with bright sunshine and down to about 10 at night. The other night it got down to 5 and was very coolish! My hello kitty pjs and booties have come in handy.
Desa trys coming in, in the mornings to snuggle. He's so cute, when I wake up he follows me where ever I go and always trys to open the shower.
If we get the house, once we fix up the aviary, we'd be looking at maybe getting a lil bengal friend for him! They sell them for only about $500 here!

Stevie phoned the mortgage broker today and he had spoken to the bank this morning, he said that they hadn't phoned him with any problems as yet! Only 2 days to go.


Suzie Q said...

Fingers, toes, everything crossed! :)

Judy Scott said...

Stevie I cannot believe you love fishing so much, when dad and i come youll have to take him and get him hooked oops pardon the pun it wasnt intended. And youve got board shorts hey youll be in flip flops yet. he he he. Whats this about an aviary thats all new to me!!!!!!!!! Love the idea of a bengal friend for lil desa.

Two days cannot go fast enough, phone me anytime of day or night when you know. Love you both sooooooooooooooo much I could burst. Mwahhhh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mumxxxxx