Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Yay the socceroos!!!! Watch out brazil (unlikely but still! I hope everyone else is going for them as their 2nd team :) ) We go and sign the settlement papers at the solicitors tommorow morning at 8.30am. How grown up does that sound!
My aunt is going really well 2 days and she may go down to a ward!Shes had the ventilator removed, and her main jugular line taken out. Only has about 6 lines in now! Her liver is working beautifully as her bile line (gross I know!) is taking alot of black bile from her body as its now over 20 months since she had a working liver, her eyes are white now and she spoke to mum on the phone less than 12 hours after having it. My mum is amazed at what a trooper she is. We are waiting till shes in a ward to go visit and I wont be allowed in the room with the glandular fever but I'm thinking of something to get her which isnt cliche and flowers! Any ideas are much appreciated!


Judy Scott said...

Darlings what wonderful news, thinking of her constantly and praying that she 'll continue to be strong. Love always Mumxxxxxx

Suzie Q said...

Glad to hear your Aunty is recovering nicely, Scarlett. Sending lots of love to you all,
Q xXx