Friday, June 09, 2006

Booo Hooo

I've had a horrible week at work. I've been sick with the flu all week and we've been one person down all week as he called in sick for a week!. He is notorious for having absent days I mean its now three weeks in total this year! and always calls in sick when our boss is off leaving me to run a $6,000 a day store by myself. On monday he did the same and I was able to get help for 4 hours,but this wasnt enough when I should have been off myself. I thought that was the last straw, and my mum was urging me to quit. Since we got the home loan, I cant really. We'll worst was to come today. There has been this old man who has been causing some fuss. He originally ordered some lenses for his own frame from me, he was told at the time of the dispense he'd be without his glasses for 3-4 days when they were getting fitted in Sydney. He was ok with this until he went to Brookside to drop them off when we were closed for renovations and he was told a week or more. So he bought another frame to get them fitted into these from another staff member.. At the time of delivery I dealt with him again and he got all angry that the frames werent titanuim. Fair enough I thought, you choose them, so I ordered new lenses for him at no cost to him to put into his old original frame which he wanted to use, so that he could use his new ones as a spare. Low and behold a week or two later, the lab phone up and they've broken his frame, his frame is discontinued so I do a frame search and phone the 10 stores that have one. None of them do, so I track down the same frame in another colour, another 10-15 phone calls. I end up finding him one and get the lenses put into this. I refund the px the cost he paid for the original frame he bought from someone else which he doesnt like and dont charge him for the new frame. I send his old broken frame up to Cairns to get a titanuim solder which costs $50 at no cost to him! and get new lenses into this (these arent ready as yet). So in total I have gotten the px a new replacement frame with new lenses, fixed his old ones and put new lenses into them at only a lens cost to him. Three days ago he came into the shop and my manager dealt with him, as I walked past as Stuart was up at the desk, this old man called me a bitch. I heard him correctly and had to sit down behind the lab from stopping myself going and having words with this ungrateful man. I told Stuart and he was like, Ohhh I dont think he did, I didnt hear him.
Fast forward to about 1pm today, I get a phone call from customer services that this guy has phoned to complain about me. About me! who has bent over backwards trying to fix up someone elses mistake! He called me a lying bitch to the guy at head office and spoke nastily about me. Well that was it, I burst into tears and did't stop crying for about 30 minutes. I had to still serve px's afterwards all red and bug eyed but they were all nice to me. Stuart apologised for not doing anything about him calling me a bitch in store the other day and told me I could go home at 2.30pm.
That was the final straw with me and work, Im sick of being responsible for others mistakes and incompancies ie. head office lab ect, I give the best customer service, miles ahead of anyone else at work and that is evident in the last 2 weeks I have recieved a present from a nun for the good service I provided: she came in and gave me a card and handmade crochet teatowel and a guy made me bookmarks with qoutes on them as appreciation.
Tommorow I am going garage sale hopping with mum and then definatly dropping my resume off at every single optometrist in Redcliffe and Scarborough. I want to work for a small shop whilst I try to get a public service or bank job. For the sake of my health in that I had to come to work sick all week and just my emotional heath I need to find another job and fast!
Its put a total downer on my week and day.

Dad came and picked me up and listened nicely whilst I burst into tears and swear words again in the car. When we got home he showed me a whole box of rainbow lustre ware vases and some nice retro porclain peices he picked up for me at my favourite St Vincent De Paul furnitue shop for about $1-$2 each. That put a smile on my dial.


Judy Scott said...

My darling Scarlett what a stinker, how dare he be so horrid. Some people are never happy unless they are complaining. I hope by now you have written and delivered all the cv's to everywhere get out of there asap babe. You should get a nice job nearer your new home. Im sending you a great big hug. Youre still beautiful even when you've been crying- Love you babe and go and enjoy the garage sales. Give my love to mum dad desa and of course Stevie xxxxxxxx

Suzie Q said...

Oh Scarlett, what a nightmare! It sounds like you do such a good job, too.. I hope you find another very soon, where you'll be better appreciated.
It's awful that your excitement over the new house should be dampened by a miserable old man :( And here I was thinking all Aussies were chilled out & laid back! ;)

Enjoy your shopping this weekend, and good luck for next week! :)

Love to you all,
Suzie Q xXx