Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The phone call!

My Mum and My Aunty Di got the transplant phone call tonight at 7.30pm that she needed to be up at the hospital tonight within the next 2 hours. She needs to undergo some tests before she has the operation which will go for approx 10 hours. They believe she will get operated on throught out the night. I have to go to work tommorow as we are understaffed but I'm going to try to get a lil time off as there needs to be someone in intensive care with her in shits.
Everyone think happy and positive thoughts for her, its fitting its happening at Easter time as she is very religious. My uncle Mal is trying to organise a plane ticket from Darwin to get here for the morning.

My mum had been saying just last weekend how my Aunty really needed the transplant soon as she was just so weak and ill, it is quite sad to think that for my Aunty to have a second chance at life, someone elses family member had just died.


Judy Scott said...

She is in our thoughts and prayers no question about that. Please keep us notified. Love to all Judy x

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.