Wednesday, May 02, 2007

spotted chook b&b

The day view from the b&b: you can see the coast in the distance. The green area was the main enterance and had a sitting room and the dining room connected to it, it had full verandahs overlooking the above view. Our room was the blue room which had a deck overlooking a hydrenga's and rose garden, the gazebo area and amelie's cottage. The back deck overlook the above scene.

The misty view was taken from the room in the morning and the sunset one with the fire was taken as we were heading off to dinner.

You really need to click on them to get a better view, it takes soo long to upload pictures on this, I just did them as small so it was a little quicker. It still has taken the better part of 30 mins for the pictures alone!

1 comment:

Judy Scott said...

oh wowowowowowowowow I wanna go next time!!!!!!
How fabulous it all sounds and so glad you had a wonderful time there, I can here the sounds ~ the birds and the breeze blowing through the trees, ahhhhh. I hope you got the dress it sounds perfect. When do you go?? Sending love to y'all. hugs Mum xxxxx