Here are a few more pictures from my Mum's camera of the teaparty and then of the BBQ we had at Mum's new unit last night as farewell for Judy. Aunty Marion, Keith and the girls all came again and we had steaks, wedges, and lots of salads with Mudcake, strawberries and cafe grand ice cream for dessert. Some of us had a little dance along to some 80's music in the longue room and we also did the flamingo pinata which we forgot to do at the tea party. The short drive home consisted of singing Rick Astley and Fine Young Cannibals very badly! Judy gave me some sewing lessons yesterday and after making a small little lavender pocket/pin cushion, I then made my first cushion with my machine! Yay! It needs a bigger cushion inside it, but Judy was a fantastic teacher.
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