Its been raining quite heavily for the last hour or so, aftermath from Cyclone Larry which wiped out alot of North Queensland. We had some of the day off together yesterday and we went into the city for a lil while before going out for Indian, Stevie made himself a lil ill by over indulging and the bus ride home was funny, especially since where we live is very hilly! He was a paler shade of white (or he liked to think so, 'am i pale, I think I'm really pale').
We watched Wolf Creek which is a horrible horrible film! Its an Australian film losely based on a guy who murders all these tourists in the middle of the outback, its very violent and I spent half the night with a pillow infront of my face and my fingers in my ears so I couldn't see/hear it! It wasn't a brainy move watching it before bedtime either, I had some freaky dreams!
Stevie had today off and went into the city to his work for a lil while and then went out to Sherwood to visit another tattoo shop called True Love Tattoos, I have an anchor from A.J one of the guys who works there.
We bought a great couch the other week from a retro shop at Sandgate (on the list of one of the places we'd maybe like to live) its 1950's and dark green and in perfect condition, It was 1x4 seater and 2x 1 seaters. It was only $200 and doesn't need any work done to it, though we are thinking of going to Atomic Bomb, a retro fabric shop and getting some material for the seat inserts.
Whilst talking about Sandgate, we've gone there, Brighton and Shorncliffe on our last day off and its really beautiful. Its this side of town, as opposed to Redcliffe which is over the bridge and adds about an extra 20-30 mins travelling time, and is by Morteon Bay. Its all old fashioned Queenlander houses and the centre of Sandgate is full of alot of colonial buildings. Its got good rail links to the city. We've been saving $300 a week, so hopefully in a years time we will have $30,000 for a good deposit for a house. My mum put on layby all this retro pink kitchenware the other week for my birthday, and dad picked up 5 antique art deco alarm clocks from a garage sale for $1 each for me, they are awesome and still work!
These are some of the houses we like:
I have a hair appoitment next Wedsnday, I'm going to quite an exclusive salon so hopefully that may mean they can cut hair well, I'm thinking of going for a radical change, ie. possibly short! Stevie is trying to talk me out of it, but my hair is annoying me and in bad condition from brushing it whilst wet constantly, I want it still long enough to tie back, even if that means a teeeny weeeny ponytail. Pictures may follow shortly if I'm brave.
wonderful to read your news we all gathered round the comp and took it in turns to read. fab, you write like you speak and it makesme smile. The houses and areas sound fab I just going to check them out on 'our brisbane' hey you know what Im like! The hair idea sounds cool and youve got to send me photos-- please--.
Did I read correctly that youve got 5 thats five alarm clocks hmmmm could ebay be calling or will you keep them all!
Love the idea of the pink kitchen ware sounds fab.
Love as always Judy
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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