It has been ages since I've posted. We've been quite busy of late (which seems to be the excuse all the time!). Everything is going along swimmingly here, its winter but the weather has been beautiful despite a few windy days. It has been quite cold, especially in the morning and night, the days have stayed around 15ish degrees but its been sunny and bright.
My work is going along great, its been busy and we have been making targets and the overall stress levels have gone down. Stevie's work is also going really well, but even better his band has been going excellently. They have quite a following, are at the momment number 6 and 7 on the triple j charts (Australia's biggest independant radio station:http://www.triplejunearthed.com/Charts/default.aspx?genre=Punk) which is also. They were also played on Short Loud and Fast, an australia wide punk and h/c radio show on triple j on wednesday nights and have had a few great reviews in Timeout, the brisbane free music magazine which comes out weekly. They have a few gigs coming up in the new few weeks. There have been quite a few shows and parties on of late which has made us social beings.
Our little mini trip to surfers paradise on the gold coast went really well. The first day, dad drove us down which was awesome, we stopped by for some breakfast on the way and then dad dropped us off at the hotel so we could book in, and then drove us to Seaworld which about 15 mins away. It was a cold and wet day, which was just out luck as it was first week of school holidays! and the wet weather kept everyone away. Over here when it rains, its like everything stops! whilst in scotland, its just the usual. Stevie got me on some of the rides, including the pirate ship whch I literally screamed my head off on! There was a 4 year old girl with her dad sitting oppisite me who was looking at me like...'whats the big deal?'. We also went on one which was based in a log aztec boat, I had been on this one before and knew you get really wet with it, so I sat in the back, stevie got soaked! and we got our photo taken right as you go down the steep incline, and we both got saturated! I also went on the eye big ferris wheel which was probably the worst, I thought it would go around once, so was bracing myself for it, after dangling at the top for ages, but low and behold, it went around 7 times!
We had a lovely dinner at an Indian restraunt the first night, and then went to Broadbeach the next morning for breakfast at the Sofitel after walking along the beaches. We then went to Pacific Fair a very unusual shopping centre, half inside half out, is made to look like a castle and is quite 80s looking with weird stain glassed pink windows. We went and saw Blades of Glory which was fun. The weather on the 2nd day was beautiful so we made the most of it being outside and looking at all the beautiful Prada and designer shops. Dinner the second night was chinese where I had the hottest Schezeaun Prawns ever! I could see the chillis on them!
Our apartment we stayed in was lovely, it had a balcony that looked over the main shops and towards the beach, it was only the 3rd floor above some shops so it was lovely and handy. All I think I did was eat! The gold coast night life is really vibrant, shops are open till late, alot of eateries and its amazingly clean.
I have some holidays booked in August for painting the house, dad and I are doing it. I planted a whole heap of roses which are starting to grow and I am going to plant a blossom tree and some pretty ground cover. I even drew and colour co-ordinated a plan for my garden! Mum has a saturday, sunday off in two weeks time where we are going up to Caboolture to get some plants and do some collecting. Its been on the cards for ages! I am also going to make the curtains for the art deco room which is nearly completed. Only need a hat box and the curtains and we're done!
I got a big bunch of orange lillys from a paitent on saturday, it made my day!
I got a big bunch of orange lillys from a paitent on saturday, it made my day!
The photos are alittle muddled they took me ages to get on here, and my camera ate batteries whilst we were away, which is why there isnt many.